
Supporting community-driven climate action

HCi3 supports innovative projects that help Halifax/Kjipuktuk reach its goal of becoming net-zero by 2050 through a just and equitable low-carbon transition. 

Projects either directly reduce greenhouse gas emissions or lay the groundwork for ongoing reduction efforts. They will integrate equity into climate solutions and empower communities through capacity building and impactful partnerships.  

We invite applications through 2024, encouraging projects within the key focus areas listed below. Connect with us to share your project and learn more about how we can collaborate!   

2024 Funding Priorities

Low-carbon affordable housing: Projects support the development of low-carbon affordable housing through building retrofits, net-zero new construction, and workforce and capacity development.

Community-driven renewable energy: Renewable energy projects that benefit communities through prioritizing social equity, inclusive engagement, and innovative financing strategies, such as community solar or shared ownership structures. 

Shared and electric transportation: Projects explore electric and/or shared mobility solutions that have community-wide benefits, such as e-bikes or car sharing. 

Granting Streams

Partnership Stream

  • Up to $75,000 per project

  • Funding for projects up to 24 months in duration.

  • Supporting new or existing partnerships

Catalyst Stream

  • Up to $10,000 per grant

  • Intended as seed funding to support new initiatives

  • Simplified project application process

What we’re looking for

Climate Impact

Projects have long term carbon reduction potential, with a focus on scalability and replicability to increase their impact.

Equitable Participation

Project are dedicated to correcting historical and systemic disadvantages within the realm of climate solutions.  They empower groups and facilitate inclusive participation, ensuring all voices are heard, particularly those most affected by climate policies and practices.

Community and Partnerships

Communities benefit beyond carbon reductions. Projects aim to foster strong partnerships and enhance community vitality, and may contribute to job creation, resilience, capacity building, and affordability, ensuring benefits reach all community members. 


​Projects commit to advancing a Reconciliation economy, drawing on Indigenous models that emphasize equitable wealth and resource sharing. Projects foster collaborative relationships with both Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, incorporate traditional knowledge and honour mutual contributions to environmental stewardship, ensuring a sustainable future for both current and future generations. ​​

How to get started

  1. Review the program guidelines and eligibility

  2. Submit your idea online.

  3. We’ll reach out to set up an initial discussion.

Following submission, applicants will work with HCi3 to co-create projects aligned with the program objectives and focus areas. Catalyst Grant applicants will have a simplified application process. 

Program Guidelines

  • HCi3 has up to $400,000 allocated for grants in 2024. Grants can cover up to 80% of total project costs. We encourage community engagement and resource sharing, with a minimum of 20% of project costs covered by matching funds or in-kind contributions, reinforcing our dedication to sustainable and shared efforts. 

  • Our partnership stream is rooted in a co-creation approach, designed to cultivate impactful partnerships and innovative initiatives.

    • Begin by filling out an online form.

    • HCi3 will reach out to schedule an initial discussion.

    • HCi3 will conduct an initial review to ensure mutual goals align and the proposed projects are viable.

    • Successful proposals will co-develop a detailed project charter and budget with HCi3 and other project partners, as applicable.

    • A review committee will offer constructive feedback on the final proposal.

    • Following a collaborative refinement, HCi3 will make a funding decision.

  • Our catalyst grant stream has a streamlined application process designed to empower organizations to quickly bring their projects to life:

    • Applicant submits an online inquiry or has a conversation with our team.

    • We conduct an internal review to assess alignment with our goals.

    • Provisionally approved projects will co-develop a short project plan and budget with HCi3.

    • Final decisions are communicated to applicants within 2 weeks of project plan development.

  • We welcome applications from a broad spectrum of organizations and companies, with the following exceptions:

    • Individuals

    • Individual schools or classrooms

    • Provincially owned entities, including crown corporations

    • Political parties

    If an application involves partnership, the primary partner must be based in or actively engaged in Nova Scotia.

    Projects led by or partnered with organizations or communities representing historically racialized, marginalized and excluded groups or communities will be viewed favorably, reflecting our commitment to inclusivity and equity.

  • Projects must:

    1. Lead to direct and/or potential reductions in greenhouse gas emissions over a 20-year period.

    2. Secure a minimum of 20% matching funds, which can include multiple sources. Note:

    • There are some restrictions on matching funds from provincial and federal government sources, which can be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

    • Non-cash contributions or in-kind contributions, such as salaries, can be used as matching funds, provided they are an auditable expense and directly related to the project.

    3. Occur primarily within the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM). However, for projects led by Indigenous or African Nova Scotian communities – or those significantly involving these communities – we will consider initiatives outside of HRM boundaries if they offer meaningful benefits to HRM.

    4. Demonstrate scalability or replicability, both within and beyond HRM.

    5. Yield multiple community benefits, e.g., enhancing equity, promoting Reconciliation, improving affordability, fostering job and skill development, and strengthening community resilience.

    6. Be completed within a maximum of 24 months from the start date, although proposals for shorter durations are also encouraged.

    For a detailed evaluation framework, please refer to our full granting scorecard here.

  • HCi3 grants do not fund:

    1. Redistributing the funding as grants or rebates to other organizations.

    2. Organizational administration costs, start-up costs, or restructuring.

    3. Singular installations such as rooftop solar, building retrofits, or new building projects without a broader strategy for demographic or sector-wide scaling.

    4. Operational costs for electric vehicle charging infrastructure, transit, or shared-mobility services.

Grantee Highlights

Discover the transformative impacts of our past grant recipients. Visit our full page of grantee profiles below.  

HCi3 gratefully acknowledges the support of the Government of Canada, the Province of Nova Scotia, and the McConnell Foundation, whose funding makes this program possible.

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