Funding Guide
Federal Programs
Green Municipal Fund – New Construction of Sustainable Affordable Housing
ROLLING INTAKE: Financing for new affordable housing projects that covers 20% of eligible project costs through a combination of 50% grant and 50% loan. Municipal governments, municipal corporations and non-profits are eligible to apply. Other funding opportunities through the Green Municipal Fund can be found here.
Green Municipal Fund – Pilot Project: Retrofit or new construction of sustainable affordable housing
ROLLING INTAKE: A pilot project to support the integration of deep energy efficiency and onsite renewable energy generation into existing or new affordable housing. Grants of up to $500,000 to cover up to 80% of eligible costs. Municipal governments, municipal corporations and non-profits are eligible to apply. Other funding opportunities through the Green Municipal Fund can be found here.
Zero Emission Vehicle Awareness Initiative (ZEVAI) – Indigenous-led awareness and education projects for cleaner transportation and clean fuels.
ROLLING INTAKE until March 31, 2025 (or until funding fully allocated): Indigenous-led projects looking at either zero-emission vehicle awareness OR clean fuels awareness. The applicant can be an Indigenous community or governing body, or a for- or not-for-profit business or organization that demonstrates ownership and controlling assets by Indigenous groups.
RBC Community Investments Program
ROLLING INTAKE: RBC’s Community Investments program funds Canadian organizations focused on advancing climate solutions and supporting the transition to a net-zero economy, equipping people with skills for a thriving future, and driving equitable opportunities for prosperity. Registered charities, non- profits, and qualified donees across Canada can apply year-round for funding.
Partners for Places Grant
The Partners for Places matching grant program funds sustainability projects that promote equity and collaboration among local governments, frontline community groups, and place-based funders in Canada. Grants range from $45,000 to $100,000 for one-year projects and $75,000 to $150,000 for two-year projects. Applicants must secure at least a 50% match from one or more local foundations.
Deadline: February 28, 2025
Nova Scotia Provincial Programs
Community Solar Program
ROLLING INTAKE: The Community Solar Program helps community groups and organizations set up solar gardens on their properties and sell subscriptions to the electricity they produce from the solar gardens. You can subscribe to a community solar garden if you’re:
a current Nova Scotia Power customer (in good standing with Nova Scotia Power)
not participating in any other solar programs with Nova Scotia Power (like net-metering)
not already a subscriber in another community solar garden (you can only subscribe to 1 community solar garden)
Learn more at the link below.
Low Carbon Communities (LCC) Fund
NO LONGER ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS - EXPECTED TO RUN IN 2025 SO STAY TUNED: The Low Carbon Communities Fund supports community-led, innovative solutions to create long-lasting greenhouse gas reductions. The program provides funding for projects that support low-carbon solutions in buildings, electricity, transportation and education. The program can support up to 75% of total eligible project costs, with a maximum of $75,000 for buildings, electricity, and transportation, and $50,000 for education. The fund is open to municipalities, First Nations bands or organizations, post-secondary institutions, businesses and non-profit organizations can apply. Projects must demonstrate a benefit to communities in Nova Scotia.
Connect 2
ROLLING INTAKE: Funding for active transportation projects that improve connectivity within and between communities, and have the potential to reduce emissions. Projects can include active transportation infrastructure and design, shared mobility and bicycle fleets, and capacity building and community engagement. Applicants can receive up to 75% funding to a maximum of $50,000-$100,000 depending on project category. Municipalities, Mi’kmaw Bands, non-profits, private sector and academic institutions are eligible.
Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund (SCCF)
The Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund is now accepting for Round 3! The SCCF is a provincial grant program for local action on climate change in Nova Scotia. It supports community efforts to reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions, or to prepare for and respond to the impacts of a changing climate. This fund is open to municipalities, First Nations, registered non-profits, and post-secondary institutions. Apply by April 22, 2025!
Other Funding Programs
Indigenous Clean Energy Network Charge Up Program
ROLLING INTAKE UNTIL FUNDING ALLOCATED: This funding is for electric vehicle charger installation and is open to all Indigenous communities or organizations, and will cover 75% of project costs. For a level 2 charger the maximum is $7,500 per connector, and for a level 3 charger, the range is between $22,500-99,999.
United Church Faithful Footprints Grants
ROLLING INTAKE: United Church congregations, camps, or outreach ministries can apply for up to $20,000 to carry out energy efficiency actions, with an additional $10,000 if decarbonizing. To apply and qualify, the applicant must complete an energy audit, submit two years’ of energy data, and cover 50% of the requested amount.
EJ4Climate Grant Program
NO LONGER ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS - STAY TUNED FOR PROGRAM RE-LAUNCH: Established by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, this program funds projects that target underserved and vulnerable communities, and Indigenous communities, in Canada, Mexico, and the United States, to prepare them for climate-related impacts. Funding of up to $200,000 is available for community-based organizations and seeks to support environmental justice by facilitating the involvement and empowerment of communities searching for solutions and the development of partnerships to address their environmental and human health vulnerabilities.